IF unconventional trends
No, this is not your “feel good” trend list as most companies will probably debate them. Find 100 reasons for not adopting them instead of 1 reason just daring to do it. The thriving commercial teams will see them as big opportunities to lean into in 2021 and build the foundation for making their growth strategy a reality. These smart companies and leaders are already changing the formula in which they generate revenue and value today.
Imagine if you could:
- Innovate your market approach, the only way is to fail fast and hard
- Quickly navigate in unpredictable business conditions, don't structure up for a sprint
- Implement a world-changing purpose across your business, don't think big
- Plan for predictable commercial success, ditch your marketing plan
- Unlock 70% of your potential growth, dare to say “No” to 97% of the accounts in your market
- Be relevant in the subscription economy, do not rely on your product
- Send your commercial dream team on a clear mission, stop with relying on sales & marketing alignment
- Truly inspire and engage with your business audience, stop the business talk
- Be relevant in a conservative c-suite, change the game
- Get a fast time to impact, don’t jump into campaigns directly
A big opportunity for those who dare to change the game in B2B marketing and commercial. IF Associates believes in the power of internal commercial togetherness to succeed externally as a ‘king or queen’ serving their market.