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Welcome to the podcast ‘Growth through toghetherness'.

An activating show on YouTube for commercial people that value togetherness, growth and happiness to unlock success. You will find real life stories, trends & innovations, crazy thoughts and transformation hero’s talking about growth through togetherness. The watcher will get inspired how to play the game in the subscription economy. 

The benefits of a purpose-driven GTM approach and the effect on togetherness

With Douglas van Oijen, a revenue and GTM leader who has an experience and track record in building and serving revenue teams to unlock their success. Real life stories and innovative ways, with sometimes as he says himself “weird POV’s”, to combine brand storytelling, generating demand and revenue in a holistic approach.

The value of connecting commercial and buyer activities in an account-centric approach (kopie)

With Nick Bergman, Sales Professional who has experience and track record in building sustainable C-level relationships. Nick helps strategic customers accelerate their digital transformation programs to unlock value and new revenue streams. Real life stories and innovative ways, with as he says: "Value is not determined by those who set the price, Value is determined by those who choose to pay it".